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Lakeside & Mountain Campfire: Virtual Ca





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



Lakeside & Mountain Campfire: Virtual Campfire(圖1)-速報App

Cozy up with the warm glow and crackle of a roaring fire on your Android device with FirePlace, the original mobile fire.

Lakeside & Mountain Campfire: Virtual Campfire(圖2)-速報App

Now, you too can have a FirePlace! All without having to chop wood, find matches, or clean up the messy soot!

Lakeside & Mountain Campfire: Virtual Campfire(圖3)-速報App

With Campfire, you can create the perfect atmosphere for social and romantic occasions with the tap of your finger. What could be cozier than relaxing with some nice music and a virtual FirePlace roaring and crackling, on-demand?

Lakeside & Mountain Campfire: Virtual Campfire(圖4)-速報App

The FirePlace is the perfect background to have on if you simply want to relax with your thoughts and wind down after a long day. The realistic sound effects from the logs are very soothing and together with the flickering flames, create a very warm ambiance. Need an instant romantic setting for that special date? Want a relaxing crackling fire playing in the background while you curl up with that new book? Need a soothing sound to fall asleep to? Turn on Campfire!

Lakeside & Mountain Campfire: Virtual Campfire(圖5)-速報App

Along with the beautiful roaring fire, Campfire comes with a perfect accompanying crackle audio track. To make your FirePlace experience even more special and personal, you can access your personal music library and play your own music with the FirePlace.

Startup the FirePlace and enjoy it.